Presentation of the fort

In response to the ever-increasing power of artillery ammunition, a new fortification system was developed in Germany. From now on, the buildings making up the fortifications are built further and deeper inland. The guns, previously installed outside, are mounted under turrets, themselves protected by concrete walls. These are the artillery batteries. These batteries are interconnected by a network of underground galleries.
These sets take the name of "Feste" or fortified group. One of them is the "Feste Obergentringen", the fort of Guentrange in Thionville. It belongs to the city of Thionville and is maintained by an association of volunteers. Built between 1899 and 1906, it was modernized and extended between 1912 and 1916. The fortified group covers 47 hectares and sheltered up to 2000 men. It was equipped in a very modern way with, for example, central heating, hot water which supplied the operating room, the kitchens and the showers.

Electrification was provided by AEG generators driven by DEUTZ diesel engines. This provided power for lighting and ventilation motors. Accumulators also supplied the night current. To improve the ambient air, ozone generators were used. The telephony and the alarm system were manufactured by Siemens.
Guentrange's Fortress plan

Blockhaus de protection de l'entrée de l'enceinte.

Blockhaus de protection de l'entrée de l'enceinte.

Entrée de l'enceinte du fort.

Blockhaus de protection de l'entrée de l'enceinte.

Batterie de canons.

Batterie de canons.

Observatoire de la vallée de la Moselle.